Welcome to my Alabama home, built seven generations ago by Benjamin and Hannah Wilson when they came to this county in 1816. It was used as a house until 1906, then used as a barn until 1992 when I cleaned it out, put in a floor,windows, doors, heating, cooling, and everything else, and moved in. It's a fine spring day and perfect to get a few pictures to inspire me to get out of the house and make some improvements around this place. Here is a view from my porch across the field to the "old house" built in 1958. My house is the "new house" built in 1817...perfectly logical in Alabama as I moved from the old house to my "new" one in 1992...hey, it was new to me. These are my fancy steps to the spinning house. The mill stone came from Chilton County. The marble was a found piece. The spinning house has gotten a bit messy during the winter so a clean up/ clean out is in the plans. The loom in front is ready to load...