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What Primitive People Do...Part Four

They have extra examples to trade sometimes.

They like paintings of animals.

They sometimes fill cupboards with too much stuff.

They like game boards and will put them on tables, lean them against walls, or hang them on a door.

They put rugs under tables.

Primitive people fill cupboards with crocks and churns.

They put more boxes and containers on the wall than most people would.

They hang Jacquard coverlets from cranes.

They fill grain painted wall cupboards with all sorts of old stuff.

They hang hand dipped candles from grappling hooks suspended from ceiling beams.

Now you know what Primitive People do.


  1. I'm not a total primative person, but I have a little log house on my farm and I love all the things you just listed in part 1,2,3,and 4. next time I am there for a check up and visit, I will do pictures. In the mean time I am at My Old Historic House. Thanks, what a fun post or 4. Richard


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