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Type of house I am looking for to fill with primitives

This house is in Alabama but has sold.  It is exactly the type of house that would show my primitives.  I would not mess with the walls....maybe three coats of clear varnish, nothing else. 

The WALLS are almost like a MUSTARD color. Beautiful !!!!

Dennis Severs's house in London is the feature of a book called 18 Folgate Street.  He created a time warp house. To enter it is like going back in time to the 1700's.  No one talks during the tour. The "family" who lives there is just not home. They even play recordings of horses clopping outside.  This house has that same capability. 

Yes, I would carefully fill in the missing plaster but match it to what is already there, then varnish the entire room. 


  1. Oh the sound of horses clopping sounds so neat, especially this time of year, I would listen to that recording.
    My first love was primitives when I first realized antiques back in 1971. I lived in Kentucky and wanted a house similar to this so I could hang Betty lamps on the fireplace and kitchen windows
    that fireplace can be decorated with so many different great things especially this time of year.
    Is this house in a desirable area? like out by itself? sort of like Tasha Tudors home
    I hope you buy it if its your dream home


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